This web application is developed to answer a VIP's questions through a portal and a knowledge tree. The answers of his questions are extracted from the databases of some lagacy systems or some forms filled by knowledge workers. Moreover, if the VIP didn't find his questions in the knowledge tree, he can ask them in a form. The new questions will be saved until the admin sets the origin of answers . The admin selects whether the requested information should be extracted from legacy databases by a new "connection string" or by forms. The forms will be filled by some knowledge workers in the enterprise (form fillers). So, we can cover the information which is not in the legacy databases. Furthermore, to preserve metadata about this information, we used a data warehouse, and absolutely we created the knowledge tree from its dimensions. The figure shows an abstract view of the application architecture.

The application has been developed by Masoud Moshref Javadi, Ali
DabirMoghaddam and Zoheir Montazery for Application Engineering
course in Sharif University of Technology.
- Extract VIP answers from legacy databases.
- Ability to add new questions to the system.
- Update data warehouse using an ETL (Extraction,
Transformation and Load) Tool.
- Manage services using portal (uPortal).
- Implemented as three portlets (can be used on other
- Interactive knowledge tree using JApplet.
- Dynamic data extraction on knowledge tree using AJAX
- Using three layers architecture.
- Persistant metadata in data warehouse (PALO an open source
implementation of OLAP).
- Used famous patterns and frameworks (Composite, Command
Factory (MVC), Hibernate (OR mapping).
- Mail notify for form fillers and VIP using GMail.
- Analyzed and designed using "Poseidon for UML" software.
VIP view:
Admin view:
FormFiller view: