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Spring 2006

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In this project, a group of nine students used their knowledge from "Information Technology Management and Strategic Planning" course to develop an information technology strategic plan for our department (Computer Engineering department) during three months. We followed these steps in the project:

  • Select the managers and assign roles in the group.
  • Define group roadmap.
  • Select the framework.
  • Gather information about the required diagrams and how to draw them in System Architect software.
  • Craete a template for interviews.
  • Perform the interviews.
  • Analyse the interviews.
  • Analyse the current situation of the organization.
  • Design desirable situation.
  • Make a list of necessary information systems to achieve the desirable situation.
  • Create a website to accommodate project documentation.
  • Present the result of project .

The supervisor of the project was Mr. Abtahi, and the group managers were Masoud Moshref Javadi and Ali Dabirmoghaddam. Some of the project documents have been uploaded on the ce websever.



System Architect


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Masoud Moshref Javadi © 2007