"DBpedia is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against datasets derived from Wikipedia and to link other datasets on the Web to Wikipedia data."
We changed and used this program to run queries on Farsi (Persian) wikipedia. The following figure shows the process which we followed to use it. It has three phases: Firstly, we imported the farsi wikipedia into a database using import component and wiki dumps. Secondly, a php script extracted the RDF triples (Subject, Predicate, Object) from the initial database using some extractors and saves them in the second database.
Finally, a user interface presented to the user to run SPARQL queries on the database and get results in HTML or XML format.
You can also see the deployment diagram in the Figure 2. The document and the source codes are available, too.
This project has been done by Masoud Moshref, Mohammad Gharib, and Alireza Seddighian as a team for Semantic Web course in Department of Computer Engineering of Sharif University of Technolgoy.
Figure 1: The process |
Figure 2: Deployment diagram |
SPARQL query interface, presenting all subjects which have any relation to "اصفهان" in HTML format.
